Where I’ve Been

Hello! I know it’s been way too long of a hiatus, and I wanted to explain why I took it, and where I was. I initially took a break around May/June of 2018 because not only was my mental health experiencing a rocky patch, but I also began dating again! To anyone who knows me personally, that’s a huge deal for me. With all I’ve gone through in past relationships, I never truly believed I’d open myself up like that again. The guy is incredible though, and I couldn’t be happier or more in love. Since we started dating, he’s been nothing but kind and uplifting in my mental health journey, as well as a cheerleader for all of my personal endeavors. Letting him in was more rewarding than I ever imagined. After being told by my ex that no one would ever love me like he did after we broke up I can genuinely say he was right. I’m being loved like I’ve always deserved, and it’s so much more than he ever gave me.

I’ve been toying for months on if I wanted to make a comeback with Dream Girl Diaries or not. For awhile I had convinced myself that my point was gone, and that people had given up on me just as quickly as I had given up on myself. It was tough. I let my self esteem, and worth plummet at the thought of being nothing to the people I felt I was something to at one point.

After all of that, it’s taken me 9 months to convince myself to write this piece. To come back to the dream I had, and made for myself with this blog. Mental health is a part of me that will never go away, and if opening up about that can help even one person, then Dream Girl Diaries has fulfilled it’s purpose.

So here I am, almost a year later, finally writing again. I have big dreams for this blog, and I am finally ready to work towards achieving them. I now have the support I needed to get me through my road block, and I’m back! I’m going to start posting again, and for the times where I’m hitting rock bottom, I’m going to start accepting guest contributions! First guest writer will be posted very soon!

Thank you to everyone who didn’t give up on me, and gave me the extra love and support I needed as a push to keep going. I hope the future of Dream Girl Diaries does not disappoint.

As always,


Self Love in The Age of Social Media

One thing I try to keep in mind while indulging my modern age craving of social media, is that self love and confidence are interpreted differently by absolutely everyone on this planet. So one person’s definition of self love might be different from another’s. Even with that idea lingering in my thoughts I still find myself struggling to keep up with all these beautiful girls and boys on the internet. I’ve read the expression that comparison will kill you, and obviously not literally, but figuratively I find that to be true. I think in the age of social media it’s hard not to compare yourself to the many people we see share themselves with the world so openly. Finding the balance of appreciating the beauty in someone else, but being able to see that it doesn’t deprive you of your own is an important part of truly loving yourself in this society. Personally, I’ve been struggling to write this particular piece for quite some time, because I didn’t want to turn it into some cliché personal essay on how to “love yourself,” or what “self love” actually is. Because the truth is, no one knows one way to achieve this level of love for themselves, and I’d be arrogant to think I held the answer to it. So please continue with absolutely no expectations, but to read one more person’s insight on self love in the age of social media. 

One thing I found myself questioning while thinking of where I wanted to take this piece, is what I consider to be self love and how I might be able to get there one day. I know for a fact that anyone with a mental disorder has struggled with self esteem issues in one way or another throughout their lives. For me personally, I struggle daily. Being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, my therapist told me about the symptoms she noticed I suffer from, one of which being severe self esteem issues. She said I will have days where I’m happy and in love with the person I see in the mirror, and days where I’m the complete opposite. A very common feeling, except I experience it intensely without realizing it until my emotions have fully taken control of my thoughts. So with that in mind, I know that logging into twitter and instagram will either make me feel love and admiration for all the people who look like art, or complete hatred for myself for not being up to par with them. I don’t have a common ground yet, and I don’t know how to get myself there. Usually I just shut my phone off when I feel like I’m beginning to be consumed. With the ways I have let my own self hatred consume and control me in the past, I have pushed people close to me away — which I didn’t want. I began to compare myself to my best friends and felt myself feeling lower than ever. It’s so easy to fall down the rabbit hole when you don’t acknowledge the other side of things. YES, my friends are beautiful people inside and out, NO, I am not less of a person than they are because I don’t look or act like them. YES, that girl on instagram has perfect skin and doesn’t need makeup to be beautiful, YES, I am just as beautiful with or without makeup. If I had just said those things to myself from the beginning, I know my self esteem wouldn’t be where it’s at today. 

Self love isn’t only feeling comfortable and proud in your own skin, it’s also taking care of your mind, body, and soul. Things I’ve found to be useful in my recovery, and tending of my mental health, is reading books. Now I know this is easier said than done for people like me who work a full time job and have a puppy to care after; or people who attend school and are consumed with homework and studying, but it is possible. I read on the bus to and from work, and try to read on my breaks if I’m in the right mindset. Reading to me is an outlet to a life that isn’t mine, and not only that, but it also distracts my mind from all of the thoughts that normally consume me. Art is another outlet for me, because while I’m working on a piece, I’m focused on the piece, not the situation that happened years ago that still haunts me. And everyone has their own distractions, whether that be watching YouTube videos, or working out, or listening to music... As long as it helps you, then you are loving yourself. 

Self love in the age of social media is not an easy battleground to tackle, but can be very empowering when accomplished the right way. Always remember that sometimes self love is as simple as taking a shower, which can be hard to do some days when you struggle with mental health. Self love is deleting that playlist you made for your ex and blocking them so you can finally focus on yourself, and your own personal growth. Self love doesn’t have to just be feeling confident enough to post that selfie, remember to celebrate the small successes and steps you take towards your journey of empowerment. Loving yourself in a world of millions of beautiful people who are just as alive and successful as you is a radical act of liberation, never forget that, and never let anyone take it from you.


Dream Girl Diaries: An Introduction

I’d like to start out first and foremost by saying thank you. The support I have received since deciding to be open about my own mental health struggles has been overwhelming, in the best way possible. I would not be writing this today if it weren’t for the hope that everything I’ve gone through could somehow touch another person, and inspire recovery in them on their own journey. 

I decided to create Dream Girl Diaries as a way to not only help others, but to help myself. Something I’ve learned is the more I talk about it, the less control it has over me. So when I say that this is just as much for me as it is for you, I mean it. I often find myself consumed in my own thoughts and emotions with only the pages of my journal to lose myself in — which in no way is a bad thing. But when I think about people who have reached out to me, telling me their stories and how much it means to them to have someone they can confide in so they feel less alone, I can’t keep to myself anymore. I have gone through too much, seen too much, and experienced first hand the pain and control a mental illness can have over a person. To stay silent is to let it win, and I’ve fought too hard for too long to let it win.

As some of you may know, I have been hospitalized 4 times within the past 6 months (as of the date this is being written) for mental health. I attempted suicide 3 of the 4 times, and came close the fourth. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, anxiety, anorexia, PTSD, and Borderline Personality Disorder. This is the first time I have opened up to my followers about my diagnosis. I’ve felt very ashamed to talk about it. I’ve felt crazy trying to explain my thoughts to even my family members and closest friends. It’s scary, especially when you don’t understand what you’re going through yourself. I’ve been silenced by my own fear of what people may think, and to feel so small as to believe you have to battle with your own mind privately, is a feeling I don’t want anyone in my shoes to go through.

Dream Girl Diaries is my personal journey through fighting an illness that tries to silence me daily. Dream Girl Diaries is where I’m going to try and fight to end the stigma behind mental illness, because no one should be afraid to open up in fear of what society has glamorized of our struggles. Dream Girl Diaries is a safe space, and I want everyone to know that I am here if you ever need someone to listen to you when you think you have no one. You are not alone. I am not alone. This is for the dream girls and boys who lost themselves and want to find their worth again. 


Suicide Prevention Hotline

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Eating Disorders Hotline

Healing Women’s Foundation Hotline

My email